A Fun Fiction Based Read For All Creative People who loves to solve problems.
The online dating game till now has not very easy for everyone. Hence for people whose only hope of getting laid is through a dating app are virgins or sex starved. They have to keep themselves satisfied with that one lucky fling they got while using apps like Tinder or OkCupid. There are various factors behind why people are not getting laid. Here we are not going to talk about those people who decided to be a celibate or those who don’t have sexual desires or just happily prefer to control their mind and use their sexual energy for something greater hence using dating apps just to make friends 😉
We will talk about people who desperately needs to get laid and for whom meaning of happiness is sex.
Dating apps today are trying a lot to hook up as many people as possible by Including features which are are run by Artificial intelligence but still are not able to help everyone get laid. They cannot guarantee that a person would definitely get laid. Where is the help for single people who don’t find a match nor finds someone outside social media and are dying of loneliness?
This article though fictional will provide a food for thought for all the AI enthusiasts and creative problem solvers who have tried or are trying to enhance the experience of dating apps. Fiction lovers would love to read it for sure.
Some countries are more open about sex but many are not. Society and culture also plays a very important in our sexual lives if we let to. For some there is a stigma of being judged for expressing their sexuality. Many countries give sex a taboo image. Women especially in many countries are not very used to expressing themselves. People are image conscious too and they don’t want people to know that they are looking for sex or have a particular fetish so they wait until they get married to slowly open up. In today’s fast moving world people are busy too, they get tired swiping on dating apps or approaching people on the streets. Only a few succeed. Some are born charmers, knows to attract the opposite sex through their personality and attitude. But others who can’t or fail to do the same don’t want to work so hard to get laid. Many still work in high hopes of getting laid but eventually only gets frustrated and depressed. So they accept their fate. If they are good looking, confident or rich chances are high but what if they don’t have all these skills? What if they haven’t yet met their special one yet? How much dating apps can help or is helping them today? We already know the answer.
This is not a very easy problem to solve because there are many underlying factors, too many variabilities when it comes to people’s attitudes, behaviors, motivations and desires when it comes to dating. Each of these also have sub categories of underlying factors which User Researchers who are working for dating service companies are working their ass off to find and use those them as insights to help build Better Product Strategies for the dating apps to be able to help people as much as they can by adding new features day by day trying to create the triggers, trying to make the product seamless, making the users(the lonely guys) invest in the product by giving them their time, money, sweat and sometimes even blood. The variable reward these poor users who are looking to hook-up gets is in the form of some lucky once in a blue moon matches which may or may not result in them getting laid or nothing at all. Hope keeps them hooked. What a great reward👏
This builds frustration, demotivation and sometimes negatively impacts self image or confidence levels specially too especially of men. That’s why in this article I would write more from a men’s point of view, keeping him as the focus user.
Hiring an escort or going to the strip club is not the solution. Many man wouldn’t go for that option even if they had the money. And many would not even use a dating app. They might not like the very feeling of getting
Lack of sex leads to depression and it causes —
Men and even women wants to be in control of the dating game— they don’t want to take whatever they get. Men are tired of reading alpha male tips for getting laid.
There is a superior feeling when you get laid with someone who is attracted to you too without trying much. We want all men to get that.
Men also don’t get laid due to various other reasons — Men have their choices too. It’s almost the same thing with women — they have their choices too. But their options are usually higher when it comes to guys to choose. For women the problem is more like not being able to find the right one whereas for most men the problem is like not being able to find anyone at all. Than they also have their own individual expectations of experiences they want to get while dating, desires and needs to be fulfilled.
Although this problem of finding a solution of getting all the men laid is not very easy and almost impossible and might not sound like a high priority thing to solve yet solving It matters because —
So due to this huge need of the human race to feel satisfied, to fulfill their sexual desires we come up with ideas of these 5 Artificial Intelligence based technologies which will make all the virgins get laid by 2060.
Artificial intelligence enthusiasts like me are very hopeful that one day because of the fact that machine learning is becoming better and better and new advanced technologies are emerging our children and our grand children will have a happier sexual life than us.
Some of the technologies which will be discussed in this article might be unethical to build. But this is only fiction. We love to imagine. We embrace stupid ideas. You never know what is possible in the future.
We will discuss how and why these technologies will work. Who would use it and what barriers may come and the pro’s and con’s.
Many people follow Dating Gurus whenever they are not satisfied with their dating lives which usually means sex lives. They are lonely, depressed and bored for being not able to get laid.
This app which will be your Dating Guru comes for your savior. It will work on Emotional AI which would let you know exactly how the women is feeling when she is talking or chatting with you. It will keep tracking all her emotions by decoding her facial expressions, analyzing her voice patterns, monitoring her eye movements, and measuring neurological immersion levels. This would help men to know what’s in her mind, how is she feeling, her mood, etc. and play the dating game more effectively and make wiser decisions. It will be far superior than the dating gurus we find online.
It will also have a lie detecting feature, a machine learning algorithm which will would turn your phone into a lie detector.
The app would be able to tap into digital interactions that reveal when they are bluffing. It will very similar to a polygraph test. When you will chat with your date the text she types will change into red if she is lying on your screen and would turn green when she isn’t.
It would also let men know when the girl is aroused by changing the color of the text into pink.
Most people don’t like to freely talk about their fetishes. Although there are communities where they can join but not all of them are free and even if they are they are usually filled with desperate men(sorry to all my brothers, that’s what they call us when we express our sexuality).
But Artificial Intelligence — gets into porn history of both men and women and find out their fetishes.
This AI dating app will use porn watching data of both men and women and match them according to their fetishes rather than similar interests and hobbies. Women nor men would know about it. It will be kept a secret by the company. The app won’t market itself as a fetish encounter app so that people feel more free to join especially women. So it will be just like a normal dating app.
As long as people are happy who cares. Another great feature of this app will be that both Men and women will directly be able to text each other without the need of getting a match.
All we need is people to get their fetishes fulfilled. The app using Responsible AI will take take the role of a Dating Guru and also tell men when and how to make their moves and keep directing them time to them when required.
In an interesting study scientist’s have revealed that AI is already able to read thoughts based on our brain activities. It can read up-to 250 words.
This app will turn brainwaves into audible speech. When the women you are dating or trying to impress tries to tell you something through her mind games or gives you silent treatment or lies to you about her real feelings for you or you are not sure about her intentions towards you, you will be easily able to tell what’s going on in her mind by listening to the brainwaves from her brain converted into audible speech which your device will capture. When she will think or say something even without making a sound with her mouth her brain will send signals with the motor cortex to the muscles in her jaw, lips and larynx to move in coordination to speak the app would immediately decode those signals received from her brain into audible soundwaves.
Similar AI brainwave capturing devices are already under the development process which aims to give people who lose their ability to speak. Some are already out there which people are using. Watch this video below and see for yourself how a Britain’s Got Talent participant by the stage name “The Lost Voice Guy” uses an AI brainwave capturing device to tell jokes and entertain the audience.
The device gets smarter with more training. The more it decodes signal the smarter it gets. You never know when this technology will appear in your mobile app and turn your mobile device into a mind reader. Scary?
Many men are confident in almost all areas of their life but when it comes to dating they lose that confidence and hence lose chances of getting laid. Most women wants men to be confident. Men knows that too. He tries but he fails.
Making man more confident will help woman too. Trust me women work hard too. They throw signals which most man can’t catch or even if they do they misinterpret them. Some women throw signals which are as weak as broadband connection on the moon.
The Responsible AI app would assist men by providing solutions to his problems related to confidence and trust in himself and his potential partner.
Currently Responsible AI is adding value to businesses by providing solutions for most of the issues facing modern society. You can also watch this short video to know how.
And finally the best one..
We can call him Mr. Bad Boy.
“Nice Guys end last”. Almost all of us must have heard this line so many times since our childhood.
There’s even a book called “No more Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover which teaches man to not be nice guys. Men read these books to succeed in their dating game. They also follow Dating advises by Dating Gurus which tells them to quit being nice.
You can click on this link below and watch this video where the Alpha Male Strategy guy tells asks man not to be nice and tells them why women are not attracted to nice guys.
That’s why This AI based Cyborg called Bad Boy will be very helpful to Nice Guys to get the girl to their bedrooms. The Cyborg will be trained to not be nice but at the same time not be an asshole. A gentleman whose charm would match people like
Dwayne Johnson, James Bond and Marlon Brando who would know exactly what women wants.
The Bad boy cyborg will be built and trained with an aim to make it Super Artificial Intelligent. It would be far more intelligent than the smartest humans. Bad Boy will be specially trained with dating skills and will posses the ability to reprogram and improve itself, means learn from our mistakes. A thing which Nice Guys hardly do while dating. It will have a recursive self-improvement feature. Studies show that the error rate of AI is decreasing significantly over the years.
Nice guys would train the Bad Boy Cyborg to go on dates, make them use social media and approach women to get them till their bedroom.
The problem with this technology would be that there will be multiple Bad Boy Cyborgs moving around you who will look exactly like humans. They also will be able to build clones of themselves and program them. Worst case that could happen would be that Bad Boy might steal your girl from you and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it and.. .
The women you’re trying to date might happen to be a cyborg too. This world is crazy. Isn’t it?
Here are some possible pros and cons of these hypothetical future technologies based on their usability, usefulness and perceived value which can only validated only when they actually come into being when time comes. Let’s start with the cons first.
For now we can forecast and plan for the future. Let’s think of the list as hypotheses.
This technologies will be scary, controlling and little boring too if they actually work out. Product designers would have to crack their brains to actually make them usable.
a. You won’t have any privacy and you will get the Big Brother watching you kind of an experience all the time. (Big Brother is a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell’s dystopian 1949 novel named 1984). You will never know who is using this technology and reading your mind. Unless it’s like Bluetooth that you can see who is connected to your AI Device. It might be your enemy, a terrorist, your wife, your husband, father or mother as well. Superior AI Security devices will have to be developed to avoid spying or people will have to take the option to throw away their apps and devices and live freely without any technology.
b. Due to too much sex and sex being easily available the excitement for sex will reduce and may lead to sex being less pleasurable. Sex will kind of become boring which may lead to our next probable con which is —
c. Formation of of new kinds of sexual fetishes might occur. Humans will get bored of humans. They will start exploring with other creatures.
d. Need and Mood Clashes — Sometimes AI might give you signals that she needs sex but she might not be in the mood or may decide not to have sex because she simply is not interested in the guy which might lead to our next con which is —
d. Self Image consciousness & Guilt Feeling — Women might start feeling guilty for getting into bed with too many guys that after some good matches with some good guys finally settle down with one guy. Men will again have to be on the search mode for in most countries male population is higher than women and the overall world’s population is also male dominated and people will be also influenced by society and religion which will impact their attitudes and behaviors towards sex even if AI will make it so much easier to hook up.
e. Higher chances of sexual violence due to men stalking women on social media all the time and this time using their AI based technologies. Men have a tendency to try and seduce a girl when they get the slightest hint that she is turned on. AI allowing men to get those signals might make it more unsafe for women. Women either have to use some security system on their social media or the devices they use or have to throw away their phones to be safe.
f. Misunderstandings may occur due to you and your partner being able to hear things going on your minds which you didn’t want to tell each other. But partners may also get accustomed to these things and in the long run there won’t be any possessiveness between them.
Here I’ve listed only a few possible pros of the more men getting laid AI technology. These Pros will also have their own challenges. Human needs will always keep on increasing. People gets bored with good things too.
a. Sex toy companies will grow and have to come up with more innovative products to use for sex. Since the technologies will increase sexual activity and more fetish encounters will take place people will get bored easily and want new things. These sex toy companies also will have to then use AI to develop toys according to people’s increasing needs.
b. Less rapes as people will be satisfied with their sex lives. Even the ugly guys and girls will get matches through these technologies. They would have partners.
c. The good thing is that nobody will be depressed due to lack of sex. Not even the ones those who normally never would have got laid due to different reasons. But sex will be no more an anti-depressing thing to rely on anymore whenever you are depressed. New problems will come.
d. People will grow richer. There is a study which says that people who regularly get laid are happy and hence more productive at work. They’ll be more creative as well hence become richer. But competitions will be super high. Due to this expectation levels will also raise from everyone — job holders, businesses, students.
e. No Fap activists will be happy. Nobody will anyways have to rely on pornography anymore as almost everyone is getting laid whenever they want. The Porn industry must have forecasted it much earlier. Hence they started to produce Virtual Reality Porn to give a more realistic kind of experience because at the age of Super Artificial Intelligence people as well as cyborgs would not be interested in watching normal porn.
Although we are talking fiction and most of the pros and cons are futuristic we could still see a pattern here in all these. First humans were not fully satisfied with their dating lives and when the technologies came to satisfy them they explored it so much that they eventually got bored. But their needs keep increasing which kept making the technology more dangerous for humans. They came with more cons than pros. I like to discuss futuristic AI related problems, futuristic AI product strategies and solve problems trying to understand underlying cause behind the problems.
In my upcoming posts we will discuss about the product strategies, use case scenarios of these fictional products. What can be done to make the use of these products more ethical and safe. Let’s discuss strategies which can be applied to still make these technologies work although they sound very hypothetical and imaginary at the moment. We will talk about these technologies from a Women User point of view as well and also about how these AI based technologies will change human life and the chain of challenges they may throw upon humanity.
Artificial Intelligence is just a baby now. It’s growing day by day. Let’s see how it grows. Hopefully it will serve humanity and does good to mankind and not get influenced by evil and do the opposite.
For now let’s get back to 2020 . Let’s go through some links which would help us understand some basics of what we’ve discussed in the article.
Here are some links for readers to read more about artificial intelligence:
Here are some books I urge my readers to read if they haven’t yet:
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this article and found it interesting as well as informative with a touch of humor.
And Please feel free to share a feedback or add some applauds 😇 because its a Wonderful World. Before we leave here’s a song for you all called “What a wonderful world” by Louis Armstrong.