Mindfulness and technology sharing the same space of consciousness.
Contemporary consciousness practitioners and neuroscientists such as Thomas Metzinger, converge on a point where free will is defined as a myth. That we all suffer from the illusion of the illusion of free will, what the eastern tradition calls the identification with the self. How can something which appears so ever present within our lived experience be an illusion.
These days we are often asked to self verify that we are human and not a robot. The recaptcha system used to stop bots breaking into your internet accounts is that system. This system owned by google is from another perspective a system designed to get you to provide free labour for google. When the captcha verify first appeared you were asked to copy out odd words that made no sense these words were in fact words algorithms could not make out, this was helping google in its attempt to digitise all the written books in existence. Then there were a series of images asking you to highlight house numbers and other street items these were related to googles tagging of the environment of google maps. Currently you are asked to highlight things such as traffic lights and zebra crossings these operations are being used to improve googles Algorithms for the upcoming driverless cars.
The captcha system presents a system to check for human against bot whilst simultaneously improving the ai algorithms of its producer google for reasons not always apparent to the user. This process occurs transparent until you are made aware of it.
Consciousness appears to present to us a free choice something we have control over when underlying it is a series of causes that are transparent, leading away at tangents not easily perceived by the subject. This operation is in a manner and complexity defined as undiscovered or certainly very hard to perceive, except perhaps to eastern mystics who spend around 20 years meditating to witness this, but it would appear we are at a point where the nature of these conscious systems begin to make themselves visible to us inside the complex operations of AI. Consciousness tangentiality bearing similarities to this captcha system.
Who and what gets to see the nature of this reality will define the future of humanity and life on earth.