It is not possible without Machine Learning to create Image Recognition, Speech Recognition. Every one of us uses Email and many of you know about the Spam folder. But you know that Machine Learning is used for Spam filtering.
Machine Learning helps us to write an algorithm that learns by itself so we don’t have to update it in the future. It learns based on data and changes its working.
Finally, Machine Learning can help humans to learn. For example, a Machine Learning algorithm can be used for spam filtering. For spam filtering, we write and use an algorithm (based on spam words like free, amazing) and send it to spam folders. Then spammers try to use other words due to which we have to write other algorithms. It’s become complicated.
So here, Machine Learning came into existence and detect the different words that are used by spammers again and again. Machine Learning detects the word and changes its algorithms to the new words used by spammers. After that, based on collected data humans can able to find the new words used by a spammer and learn from them.
There are special kinds of machine learning algorithms as well which create an output for input, it has never seen before, without any human intervention.
Machine Learning can also be used for Data Mining.
Machine learning can be broadly classified into three types:
1. Supervised learning: In this type of classification, labeled data is provided to the machine. So that it gives a decision, for example, providing labeled data in the form of images of dogs to a device can quickly learn to identify dogs.
Here are some of the most critical supervised learning algorithms.
* k-Nearest Neighbors
* Linear Regression
* Logistic Regression
* Support Vector Machines
* Decision Trees and Random Forests