Donald Trump will not be returning to Facebook — at least not immediately, the social media giant’s third-party Oversight Board announced Wednesday morning.“The Board has upheld Facebook’s decision on January 7, 2021, to restrict then-President Donald Trump’s access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account,” the Oversight Board announced in a written … [Read more...] about Facebook must make final call on permanent Trump ban, board rules
New algorithm uses a hologram to control trapped ions
Researchers have discovered the most precise way to control individual ions using holographic optical engineering technology. The new technology uses the first known holographic optical engineering device to control trapped ion qubits. This technology promises to help create more precise controls of qubits that will aid the development of quantum industry-specific hardware to … [Read more...] about New algorithm uses a hologram to control trapped ions
Facebook’s decision is a major political blow to Trump — for now
The decision by Facebook’s oversight board to block former President Trump’s return to the world’s biggest social media platform for now is a major political blow, denying him access to a huge audience he needs to help him amplify his message, maintain his fundraising base, and retain his dominance over the Republican Party.For a former television celebrity who is a glutton for … [Read more...] about Facebook’s decision is a major political blow to Trump — for now
New application of AI just removed one of the biggest roadblocks in astrophysics
Using a bit of machine learning magic, astrophysicists can now simulate vast, complex universes in a thousandth of the time it takes with conventional methods. The new approach will help usher in a new era in high-resolution cosmological simulations, its creators report in a study published online May 4 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "At the moment, … [Read more...] about New application of AI just removed one of the biggest roadblocks in astrophysics
Theranos founder can cite Silicon Valley hyperbole in defense
The lofty ambitions and hyperbole of Silicon Valley startups and their founders is fair game for Elizabeth Holmes to use at her pending criminal trial, a judge ruled.For the first time since the pandemic shut down in-person hearings, the former Theranos chief executive and her lawyers appeared Tuesday before a federal judge in San Jose to argue about what evidence should be … [Read more...] about Theranos founder can cite Silicon Valley hyperbole in defense
Complex shapes of photons to boost future quantum technologies
As the digital revolution has now become mainstream, quantum computing and quantum communication are rising in the consciousness of the field. The enhanced measurement technologies enabled by quantum phenomena, and the possibility of scientific progress using new methods, are of particular interest to researchers around the world. Recently two researchers at Tampere University, … [Read more...] about Complex shapes of photons to boost future quantum technologies
New synapse-like phototransistor
Researchers have developed a breakthrough in energy-efficient phototransistors. Such devices could eventually help computers process visual information more like the human brain and be used as sensors in things like self-driving vehicles. … [Read more...] about New synapse-like phototransistor
When Bill and Melinda Gates divorce, who gets the 66,000-square-foot mansion?
With the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce bombshell still echoing, so begins the process of divvying up the fourth-largest fortune in the world.Forbes puts the Microsoft Corp. co-founder’s net worth at just north of $130 billion, a massive sum that includes the world’s largest private family charitable foundation, a lucrative personal investment firm and a collection of real … [Read more...] about When Bill and Melinda Gates divorce, who gets the 66,000-square-foot mansion?
Little to no increase in association between adolescents’ mental health problems and digital tech
With the explosion in digital entertainment options over the past several decades and the more recent restrictions on outdoor and in-person social activities, parents may worry that excessive engagement with digital technology could have long-term effects on their children's mental health. A new study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, however, found … [Read more...] about Little to no increase in association between adolescents’ mental health problems and digital tech
Algorithms improve how we protect our data: New algorithms are much better at estimating the security level of encrypted data
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) scientists in Korea have developed algorithms that more efficiently measure how difficult it would be for an attacker to guess secret keys for cryptographic systems. The approach they used was described in the journal IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and could reduce the computational complexity … [Read more...] about Algorithms improve how we protect our data: New algorithms are much better at estimating the security level of encrypted data