Artificial Intelligence is quickly advancing, with recent technologies, the future of humans is now turning to take a different shape. In this article, we will explain to you why AI is safe? Will AI take over humans? How can we leverage the use of AI in our life?With recent advancements, machines are much better than humans in solving complex problems in fractions of seconds … [Read more...] about Will AI be Safe and Productive for Humans in the Future?
Artificial Intelligence
These Are The 4 Tools I Am Currently Using To Hire Candidates In 2021
Technology will continue to transform and disrupt the way professional recruiters work in 2021. Learn more in this story below.Job Boards have made candidate sourcing a lot easier but at the same time, competition between recruiters has also increased dramatically. Using the right tools to manage candidates has become more important today than ever before.Recruitment tools can … [Read more...] about These Are The 4 Tools I Am Currently Using To Hire Candidates In 2021
How to Use and Visualize K-Means Clustering in R
Load LibrariesFirst, we need to load tidyverse, FactoMineR, factoextra, and readxl into our R environment. If you get an error about the packages not being recognized, uncomment (remove the #) before the install.packages() line(s) that you need.# Install if needed by removing the ## install.packages("tidyverse")# install.packages("readxl")# install.packages("FactoMineR")# … [Read more...] about How to Use and Visualize K-Means Clustering in R
Why Superintelligent AI Cannot Be Controlled?
Using theoretical calculations, a team of international researchers, including scientists from the Center for Humans and Machines at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, shows that it would be impossible to control highly intelligent AI.The study was published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Suppose someone could design an AI program with higher … [Read more...] about Why Superintelligent AI Cannot Be Controlled?
AI And Financial Industry
AI And Financial IndustryA worldwide technology has emerged and evolved over the years. From Siri Google Assistant, from Netflix to Pandora and from Amazon to Tesla, we are gradually adapting Artificial Intelligence. It has been highly popular from giant enterprise like Amazon and Tesla or intermediary like Zoox or Twilio.Similarly, Banking sectors have been seen increasingly … [Read more...] about AI And Financial Industry
MLP Architecture building
Basic MLP terminology explainedApplication on MNIST data using KerasHyperparameter tuning(sklearn/hyperopt)The biggest problem with deep learning is Overfitting. Deep NN means it had many hidden layers, which means many ways to train. given the potential of many training weights, the biggest encounter is overfitting. you have to always regularize to avoid overfitting. In ML … [Read more...] about MLP Architecture building
3 Novel Machine Learning Papers To Read In 2021
Arvix: this paper, the authors systematically study model scaling and identify that carefully balancing network depth, width, and resolution can lead to better performance. A new scaling method that uniformly scales all dimensions of depth, width and resolution using a simple yet highly effective compound coefficient is demonstrated in this … [Read more...] about 3 Novel Machine Learning Papers To Read In 2021
Soft Skills: Habilidades intangíveis
Analisando o cliente que solicita projetos para a saúde, na área de HealthTech ou não, uma vez que fui o product owner de alguns produtos digitais e trabalhei com alguns especialistas em deep learning, Data Science e gerente de projetos, observo uma tendência de algumas habilidades que não é facilmente encontrado em listas das tão faladas Soft Skills. É um tema relevante, visto … [Read more...] about Soft Skills: Habilidades intangíveis
Fraud detection — Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
One of the greatest concerns of many business owners is how to protect their company from fraudulent activity. This concern motivated large companies to save data relative to their past frauds, however, whoever performs a fraud aims not to be caught then this kind of data usually is unlabeled or partially labeled.On this article, we will talk about how to discover frauds on a … [Read more...] about Fraud detection — Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
Facebook DeIt: A promising new technique for image classification
Achieves state-of-art performance with 0 convolutions and less than 1% of the state-of-art datasetPhoto by Brett Jordan on UnsplashA few weeks ago, Facebook released a new ML model (Data-Efficient Image Transformer, DeIt) that achieves state-of-art image classification performance using only the ImageNet dataset (1.2 million images). State of the art visual transformers can … [Read more...] about Facebook DeIt: A promising new technique for image classification