ICTC’s Tech and Human Rights SeriesA Conversation with Bioethicist Dr. Melissa McCraddenOn October 22nd, 2020, as part of ICTC’s Technology and Human Right Series, Rosina Hamoni, Research Analyst with ICTC, interviewed Dr. Melissa McCradden, Bioethicist with The Hospital for Sick Children and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Rosina interviewed Dr. McCradden … [Read more...] about Ethics, Explainable AI, and Social Determinants of Health: A Conversation with Bioethicist Dr.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Challenges & Opportunities Ahead
In this week’s essay, GDI Research Analyst Vincent Jeanselme of the University of Cambridge’s MRC Biostatistics unit provides an overview of Medical AI, discussing its evolution, limitations, and a likely path forward.Modern medicine leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to aid doctors in their daily work, with AI systems assisting during surgery, alerting when patients become … [Read more...] about Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Challenges & Opportunities Ahead
The Most Common Narrative About Tech Is Not What You Think: Robot Vacuums and Wishes Granted
IBR Roomba Swarm in the Dark V by IBRoomba, used under CC BY-NC 2.0At Harmony Labs we’ve been thinking a lot about technology. While some tech innovations have clearly changed the world for the worse, they’ve also produced 90% effective COVID vaccines in less than a year. There’s no going back. We need tech, but we need it to work for us, not against us. And we need the stories … [Read more...] about The Most Common Narrative About Tech Is Not What You Think: Robot Vacuums and Wishes Granted
Akira’s ML News #January, 2021
Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervisionhttps://cdn.openai.com/papers/Learning_Transferable_Visual_Models_From_Natural_Language_Supervision.pdfOpenAI propose CLIP, which uses image and text encoding networks to perform tasks such as image classification in a GPT-3-like zero-shot fashion. Since CLIP uses natural language, it can respond more flexibly … [Read more...] about Akira’s ML News #January, 2021
MIT researchers develop a new ‘liquid’ neural network that’s better at adapting to new info – TechCrunch
A new type of neural network that’s capable of adapting its underlying behavior after the initial training phase could be the key to big improvements in situations where conditions can change quickly – like autonomous driving, controlling robots, or diagnosing medical conditions. These so-called ‘liquid’ neural networks were devised by MIT Computer Science and Artificial … [Read more...] about MIT researchers develop a new ‘liquid’ neural network that’s better at adapting to new info – TechCrunch
Top 5 Trends In The World Of IT You Should Know
The world has seen a significant fallback because of the covid 19 pandemic which started a year back. With closed offices and businesses, people turned to work from home platforms, advanced cloud services, and many more IT tools. All thanks to the developers of these technologies that didn’t allow anyone to stagnate. Here are the top 5 trending technologies in the field of … [Read more...] about Top 5 Trends In The World Of IT You Should Know
Stop training your models on one GPU
Let’s get straight to the point; the PyTorch Operator. The PyTorch Operator is the implementation of PyTorchJob custom resource definition. Using this custom resource, users can create and manage PyTorch jobs like other built-in resources in Kubernetes (e.g., deployments and pods).We will pick it up from where we left off last time and transform our solution to the RANZCR CLiP … [Read more...] about Stop training your models on one GPU
【🔎 AI與倫理的爭議:南韓欲將已故歌手聲音重現】
【🔎 AI與倫理的爭議:南韓欲將已故歌手聲音重現】南韓四大全國無線電視台首爾放送(簡稱:SBS)欲利用AI技術,將已故歌手金光石的聲音重現於新的節目「AI vs. 人類」中。金光石在樂壇佔有一席之地,其歌聲和歌詞貫穿南韓偶像劇《請回答》系列,更被譽為「歌唱的哲學家」。遺憾的是,金光石於1996年去世,警方以自殺結案,但他的死仍留下許多未解的疑團。事實上,這不是南韓首次利用AI將歌手的聲音重現。上個月,電視頻道Mnet就利用AI和立體投影的方式錄製節目,向已故歌手的致敬。當紅南韓偶像團體BTS也於跨年夜時,與AI版本的已故歌手申海澈一同於線上演出。近年來,AI於娛樂及表演藝術產業的運用讓不少粉絲驚豔,然而,將已故歌手的聲音重現也衍生出不少倫理、合法性和智慧財產權問題,例如:誰擁有已故歌手聲音的所有權? 是屬於創造聲音的AI系統本身嗎?針對「AI … [Read more...] about 【🔎 AI與倫理的爭議:南韓欲將已故歌手聲音重現】
9 Most Useful String Methods for a Data Scientist
Most useful string methods for a Data Scientist during data preprocessing.Image by Free-Photos from PixabayIn simple words, Machine Learning is training/teaching algorithms with historical data to predict output on unseen data. Most of the times, the type of data is in the form of text. When working with text data, one must be familiar with python’s available string methods to … [Read more...] about 9 Most Useful String Methods for a Data Scientist
The Best 5 AI App Development Companies in 2020
The innovation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in App Development is prepared to contact our lives in an immense manner. It’s has developed to a level where it can rethink a business, reshape it creatively, and move it toward an astutely determined association. The innovation of Artificial App Development has totally developed to understand the idea of self-feasible and setting … [Read more...] about The Best 5 AI App Development Companies in 2020