This interview started as Boris Abbott’s Reddit AMA that is now deleted (a story for another day). The first question comes from a random user, the rest of the interview questions are by me.AMA question: Hey Boris, I hate to break it to you in this way, but you’re not actually real. You are a computer program. To be more exact, an autoregressive language model developed with … [Read more...] about Artificial Intelligence talks about self-awareness, lack of memories, and “living in the moment”
Artificial Intelligence
Beginning of Data Science Journey
Hello everyone, I have been working in IT industry for around 10 years, specializing in leading high-performing and multi-disciplinary teams from product development through successful product launches. Accustomed to managing multiple projects and priorities in fast-paced environments. I am committed to maintaining cutting edge technical skills and up-to-date industry … [Read more...] about Beginning of Data Science Journey
AutoEncoders with TensorFlow
Autoencoders are unsupervised neural network models that are used to learn to represent the data with fewer parameters. Data compression algorithms have been known for a long time however, learning the nonlinear operations in order to map the data into lower dimensions has been the contribution of autoencoders into the literature.A general scheme of autoencoders (Figure is … [Read more...] about AutoEncoders with TensorFlow
10 Rules for Artificial Intelligence Predictions
How to rise above the AI noisePhoto by Jen Theodore on UnsplashWhen trying to predict the future of AI, a few rules must be abided by, lest one be considered “frothy around the mouth”, as I was once described by a technologically-challenged executive in his 60s (compliment taken). Below are a few principles to consider when trying to predict the future of AI in any way, shape, … [Read more...] about 10 Rules for Artificial Intelligence Predictions
Ambient Assisted Living/Enhanced Living Environments System and Applications
Many people believe the reasons for the increasing interest in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) application are twofold, the well-known demographic shift with a growing share of elderly in the population, and the rapid development of witlessly connected embedded sensor devices in combination with efficient Information Technology (IT). The focus for the research on AAL has been … [Read more...] about Ambient Assisted Living/Enhanced Living Environments System and Applications
Plotting with Seaborn: Part 1
Seaborn is a library for making statistical graphics in Python. It builds on top of matplotlib and integrates closely with pandas data structures.Seaborn helps you explore and understand your data. Its plotting functions operate on dataframes and arrays containing whole datasets and internally perform the necessary semantic mapping and statistical aggregation to produce … [Read more...] about Plotting with Seaborn: Part 1
科技帶來的是驚喜還是驚嚇 1:AI偶像的反思與未來
「每條大街小巷,都在說ABCD。」ABCD分別是AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Data的首字母,每一個產業都爭先恐後看能不能利用科技創造先機,這之中當然少不了我們永遠走在潮流最前端的Kpop產業。今天就來看看這些巨頭怎麼玩科技來反思一下目前的成果,然後給他們指引一盞明燈吧!AI偶像到底行不行?itzyy在最新推出的<not shy — eng ver.>teaser中與ZEPETO合作,作為前進美國市場的敲門磚itzy最新出的<not shy — eng ver.> teaser與製作人物avatar的ZEPETO合作,然而除了avatar之外的場景技術粗糙讓人看了直搖頭。人物avatar可以說是jyp慣用的一個策略,twice的candy pop mv也是跟Love … [Read more...] about 科技帶來的是驚喜還是驚嚇 1:AI偶像的反思與未來
Are we in a Productivity Hamster Wheel?
Why AI and Automation Technologies should provide impact beyond productivity.DISCLAIMER: This article is not a scientific study, it simplifies and scratches along the fields in finance, technology, sociology and philosophy. If you are a researcher in any fields of those particular fields, I am more than happy to hear your feedback.The first question to clarify when talking … [Read more...] about Are we in a Productivity Hamster Wheel?
Understanding Machine Learning
Wonder what machine learning is? How does it work? Maybe you’re a budding machine learning engineer or a data scientist, or just someone intrigued by the said topic? Well this article is for you to understand what the buzz is all about.The next section is me introducing myself. Feel free to skip this and start from the Introduction.Photo by Octavian Dan on UnsplashI’m a 2nd … [Read more...] about Understanding Machine Learning
SwitchTransformer: стероидная гонка в NLP
Одним из самых значимых событий 2020 года в AI был выход статьи “Language Models are Few Shot Learners” от OpenAI, в которой была представлена модель трансформера GPT-3, установившего рекорд по размеру нейросети — 175 млрд параметров. Оказалось, что такая огромная предобученная сеть смогла неплохо решать достаточно широкий круг NLP-задач, дообучаясь буквально на нескольких … [Read more...] about SwitchTransformer: стероидная гонка в NLP