Measure H gives San Diego voters the opportunity to approve an amendment to the city ordinance that would allow the city to lease parks and recreation centers to child care businesses.
Currently, the charter only allows city property to be used as parks, recreation centers and cemeteries. Measure H adds language to the document that would allow child care in parks and city buildings.
Supporters of the measure say it will help alleviate San Diego’s acute shortage of child care providers because it will make it possible for the city to lease space to providers. Skyrocketing fees are one of the reasons providers have gone out of business in recent years.
City leaders have identified 42 sites they say could be approved for child care.
However, the unusual choice of words in the election speech is fueling some opposition to the measure. The goal, according to supporters of the measure, is for the City Council to have the authority to authorize child care at city centers. But the measure’s text gives the “city manager,” not the City Council, this power.
San Diego no longer has a city manager but the City Attorney’s Office says that whenever a document uses the word, the authority is given to the mayor. So, if passed, Measures H would give Mayor Todd Gloria and any future mayor the authority to authorize child care at city centers.
City Council Representative Raul Campillo said the power is still limited by the city’s municipal code, which states that all bids for three years or more must be approved by the City Council. But no child care provider would want such a short lease, Campillo said.
“I would be surprised to see any child care provider looking to hire for three years or less, because of the infrastructure investment,” Campillo said. “So the idea that the mayor has unlimited discretion over leasing a city park, it’s just in the municipal code.”
Campillo added that the constitution says that the City Council has control over the parks, because it includes this language: “The City Council shall adopt regulations for the proper use and protection of said properties, cemeteries, playgrounds and parks, and provides penalties for violations.”
However, Measure H’s language disagrees with some local election observers, including the Union-Tribune’s editorial board. In a recent article, the newspaper supported a “no” vote on the issue because it “gives one official too much power over a very important park.”
Councilor Chris Cate, who supported the move, acknowledged that some could read the speech as giving the mayor complete independence.
“I will support any language that reflects the current processes we have in place to approve rentals in the city,” Cate said. “I don’t think this speech deviates from that, but I can understand why some may see this as contradicting what is happening now.”
Neither Cate nor Campillo say they want to change the language of the measure. Once a measure is placed on the ballot by the City Council, its language cannot be changed, according to the San Diego County Clerk of Voters.
Do you need the popular vote to win?
No provision of the Constitution or Federal law requires voters to vote based on the results of popular elections in their states. Some states, however, require voters to choose based on the popular vote.
Does popular choice matter? It is important to remember that the President is not elected by national popular vote. Electoral College statistics show who won, not the number of majorities or the majority a candidate would have in the total popular vote of the state. Electoral votes are given according to the popular vote in each country.
Do electoral votes have to follow the popular vote?
Oftentimes, electoral votes are tied to popular votes in the polls. But several times in our nation’s history, the person who took the White House didn’t get the popular vote.
Is the electoral college based on popular vote?
College College. In some U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not directly elected by the citizens. Instead, they are elected by the “voters†through a process called the Electoral College.
Does the winner of the popular vote get all the electoral votes?
Candidates. Most states require that all votes go to the candidate who receives the most votes in that district. After national election officials certify each country’s popular vote, the slate of winning candidates meets in the capital and votes in two elections – one for Vice President and one for ‘ one for the President.
What is right wing and left-wing?
Opinion groups. In general, the left is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, development and internationalism" while the right wing is characterized by emphasizing "ideas such as authority, authority, control, work, tradition, ideology and nationalism" …
What are the beliefs of the right wing? They support conservatism and economic freedom and oppose socialism and communism. On the other hand, the term “far-right” is used to describe those who favor an absolutist government, which uses state power to support a dominant race or religion and make other races or religions a crime. the law.
What is the difference between left wing and right win?
Opinion groups. In general, the left wing is characterized by emphasizing “ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, change and internationalism” while the right wing is characterized by emphasizing “ideas such as authoritarianism, authoritarianism, authoritarianism, control. , work, culture, reaction and nationality “…
Can someone ask you who you voted for?
Types of Federal Election Crimes There is no law against asking someone who they vote for. But you don’t have to share that information with anyone if you don’t want to.
What is the referendum question? A referendum (PL: referendum or referenda) is a direct vote of voters on a proposal, law or political issue. This is different from the matter chosen by the agent. This may result in the adoption of a new policy or specific legislation, or the referendum may be advisory only.
What is the 26th Amendment in simple terms?
The right of citizens of the United States, eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any other State on account of age.
What are the voting rights amendments?
Passed by Congress on February 26, 1869, and ratified on February 3, 1870, the 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote.
How many voting amendments are there?
Over the years, amendments were added to the Constitution regarding voting rights. There are four amendments to the Constitution regarding who can vote.
What do the 15 19 and 26 amendments have in common?
What do amendments 15 19 and 26 have in common? All three amendments expand voting rights in the United States. That is why they are called voting rights amendments.