We all know there are two kinds of people, Upper class and Middle-class people. But little did you know about the Useless class of people?
Yes, this is a new class of people where our kids or we may be part of it. Confused? Let me elaborate
In this world around 90% of the people that can work have a job and based on how much the job pays we can categorize them into one of the above 3 classes. However, in the future lot of our jobs would simply disappear.
Let’s take the example of Taxis, Right now we have millions of taxi drivers who drive taxis, But in the future, this would be replaced with self-driving cars like the tesla (watch the video below).
As per the above video because of this Self-driving car technology, we might not need humans to drive the car at some point, it is much safer for the robots to drive the car than humans are and this is how millions of taxi drivers would be out of the Job.
Travel agents, Hotel check-in staff, Restaurants staff, and even Airport check-in staff would also be out of the job at some point. In a nutshell, we will reach a point that we will have millions of humans looking for a job but we wouldn’t have enough to give them.
Although it would take some years for all this to become reality. We should not ignore the fact that machines are taking over the jobs and if you do not know how to code and adapt to changing situations then it is going to be hard to get a job. Millions of people apart from being unemployed will also be unemployable.
This sounds very depressing right. Why not we take this as a positive note.
We, humans, built the machines and we build them not to make life harder but to make it easier. When machines do all the work for us, we can spend quality time doing what we love, like traveling, creating content and building family bonding.
How do we earn or make money for a living?
Well, this is a trickier part.
If you are from a country where you get the benefits of basic income, you can live comfortably with it forever. Then you will be just having fun doing what you Love.
If your Government does not offer any benefits then you better buckle up your shoes and learn how to code, create content as fast as you can or try to migrate to a country, which offers these benefits because there is not only a risk of you getting unemployed but also unemployable and broke which would be a future no one wants to see.
If the Glass is half full then it would be half empty, even though the above idea looks depressing, it has its own excitement, In the future humans might not need to do boring work for money. They will be only working for fun or only work on the things, which they love. In this useless class, people will have the most fun.
Let the Robots do work for us and let us do the living