There is a wave sweeping the entire technological space, business world, military systems, manufacturing industry, agricultural productions and space exploration. The use of “intelligent” machines which exhibit a high level of expertise in a domain is the talk of the modern day world. Like I highlighted earlier, “intelligent” machines are being built by engineers and scientists and trained continuously to attain exceptional expertise in a specific problem domain. This is Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is the science of making machines learn and do what humans can do in an intelligent way. It is a computer science discipline concerned with the science and technology of creating , teaching and making computer systems learn by feeding the computer systems with data. Artificial intelligence in today’s world is progressing rapidly with new advanced innovations day in day out.
Today’s computer systems are designed to perform small tasks, for instance: facial recognition, car driving, and performance of other minor duties. However, the primary goal of artificial intelligence is to develop advanced and more complex systems that would outperform humans in every area of life! This includes the performance of more complicated tasks like playing chess and solving equations. Therefore, the future goal of AI is to perfect all human activities and provide better solutions to problems than humans can do.
The development of a super AI will mark the greatest invention in human history. Consequently, the invention of more advanced technologies have significantly helped in war eradication, proper means of fighting diseases and developing appropriate preventive measures. Furthermore, advanced technology has been helping tremendously in the fight against poverty.
By its definition, is a field of computer science that evolved from studying pattern recognition and computational learning theory in artificial intelligence. It is the learning and building of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data sets. These procedures operate by construction of a model from example inputs in order to make data-driven predictions/ choices rather than following firm static program instructions.
“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” Pretty easy right?
At Reispar Technologies, we help you understand what AI and ML is. You are very free to checkout our website at You would definitely love to take a deep dive into our 1 month Machine learning program where you would learn about data exploration and data profiling concepts, using this link.
Let us look at some application areas of AI and ML:
- Human expertise is absent, for example; Navigating on Mars.
- Humans are unable to explain their expertise, for example; Speech Recognition.
- Solution changes with time, for example; Temperature Control.
Lastly, take a peek at our data prediction page here.
Innocent Onwukanjo
Technical Content Writer — AI
@ Reispar Technologies