
To demonstrate these methods, we will be trying to predict the probability that a person with COVID-19 will have a severe reaction. You can find the “Cleaned-Data.csv” dataset here: https://www.kaggle.com/iamhungundji/covid19-symptoms-checker?select=Cleaned-Data.csv
Lets pull in the data and create training, validation, and test datasets:
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tffrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from tensorflow import feature_column
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from sklearn.metrics import log_lossX_train = pd.read_csv('covid_data.csv')
y_train = X_train.pop('Severity_Severe').to_frame()
X_train = X_train.iloc[:,:23]X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(
X_train, y_train,test_size=0.2,random_state=42)X_val, X_test, y_val, y_test = train_test_split(
X_val, y_val,test_size=0.5,random_state=42)
Now, we will want to define which features we want to create feature models for. Since we do not have many features, we might as well use them all (except for Country which will be used for the embedding). When models contain hundreds of features, it is good practice to explicitly define only the top features like I do here:
model_cols = ['Fever','Tiredness','Dry-Cough',
Each of these features will be a different auxiliary output of our overall model along with the target feature we are trying to predict (Severity_Severe). As we create our TensorFlow datasets, we will also have to define these as output features as well. Note that we rename each of these features by adding ‘_out’ to the end so that TensorFlow does not get confused by duplicate names. Notice that we also add an additional ‘_aux_out’ column for our target output. This is so that we can train a separate feature model around the target feature that will also feed into the final model as well. This is a process known as a skip connection which allows the model to learn deep and shallow interactions around the same feature set.
Y_train_df = X_train[model_cols].copy()
Y_train_df.columns = Y_train_df.columns + "_out"
Y_train_df['Severity_Severe_out'] = y_train['Severity_Severe']
Y_train_df['Severity_Severe_aux_out'] = y_train['Severity_Severe']
trainset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((
dict(X_train),dict(Y_train_df))).batch(256)Y_val_df = X_val[model_cols].copy()
Y_val_df.columns = Y_val_df.columns + "_out"
Y_val_df['Severity_Severe_out'] = y_val['Severity_Severe']
Y_val_df['Severity_Severe_aux_out'] = y_val['Severity_Severe']
valset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((
dict(X_val),dict(Y_val_df))).batch(256)Y_test_df = X_test[model_cols].copy()
Y_test_df.columns = Y_test_df.columns + "_out"
Y_test_df['Severity_Severe_out'] = y_test['Severity_Severe']
Y_val_df['Severity_Severe_aux_out'] = y_val['Severity_Severe']
testset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((
The first function we are going to create is add_model. We will feed this function our feature names, define the number and size of layers, signify if we want to use batch normalization, define the name of the model, and choose the output activation. The hidden_layers variable will have a separate list for each layer with the first number being the number of neurons and the second being the dropout rate. The output of this function will be the output layer and the final hidden layer (engineered features) which will feed on to the final model. This function allows for easy hyperparameter tuning when using tools like hyperopt.
def add_model(
batch_norm=False,model_name=None,activation='sigmoid'):if batch_norm == True:
layer = layers.BatchNormalization()(feature_outputs)
layer = feature_outputs
for i in range(len(hidden_layers)):
layer = layers.Dense(hidden_layers[i][0], activation='relu',
last_layer = layer
if batch_norm == True:
layer = layers.BatchNormalization()(layer)
if hidden_layers[i][1] > 0:
layer = layers.Dropout(hidden_layers[i][1])(layer)
output_layer = layers.Dense(1, activation=activation,
return last_layer, output_layer
This next function is for creating an embedding layer. This will be helpful because Country is a sparse categorical feature. This function will take a dictionary of the features we will be converting to an embedding along with a list of the unique possible values for that feature defined here:
emb_layers = {'Country':list(X_train['Country'].unique())}
We also feed in model inputs which will be defined later. For the dimensions parameter, I have chosen to follow the default rule-of-thumb of using the 4th root of the length of unique features.
def add_emb(emb_layers={},model_inputs={}):
emb_inputs = {}
emb_features = []for key,value in emb_layers.items():
emb_inputs[key] = model_inputs[key]
catg_col = feature_column
.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(key, value)
emb_col = feature_column.embedding_column(
emb_layer = layers.DenseFeatures(emb_features)
emb_outputs = emb_layer(emb_inputs)
return emb_outputs
Before we move onto our next function, we need to define what features need to be excluded from our different feature models. On a base level, we are going to want to exclude the feature being predicted (data leakage), and the features used for the embeddings. You should also be careful to remove features that can directly be used to calculate the output feature. For example, a model will quickly discover that it can get 100% accuracy for a feature like Gender_Female simply by looking at the values of the other gender columns and ignoring all other features. This would not be a very helpful model! To fix this, we will exclude the other gender, age, and contact features from the corresponding feature models.
feature_layers = {col:[col,'Country'] for col in model_cols}feature_layers['Gender_Female'] += ['Gender_Male',
feature_layers['Gender_Male'] += ['Gender_Female',
feature_layers['Gender_Transgender'] += ['Gender_Female',
'Gender_Male']feature_layers['Age_0-9'] += ['Age_10-19','Age_20-24',
feature_layers['Age_10-19'] += ['Age_0-9','Age_20-24',
feature_layers['Age_20-24'] += ['Age_0-9','Age_10-19',
feature_layers['Age_25-59'] += ['Age_0-9','Age_10-19',
feature_layers['Age_60_'] += ['Age_0-9','Age_10-19',
'Age_20-24','Age_25-59']feature_layers['Contact_Dont-Know'] += ['Contact_No','Contact_Yes']
feature_layers['Contact_No'] += ['Contact_Dont-Know','Contact_Yes']
feature_layers['Contact_Yes'] += ['Contact_Dont-Know','Contact_No']
We area also going to want to add a feature_layer for our auxiliary skip connection model:
feature_layers['Severity_Severe_aux'] = ['Country']
Now we have what we need to build our feature models. This function will use a list of all the input features, the feature exclusion and embedding dictionaries defined above, the hidden_layer structure described at the add_model function and an indicator if batch normalization should be used.
First, the function will define the input features the way TensorFlow likes to read them. A major strength of using TensorFlow inputs is that we only need to define the features once and they can be reused over and over again in each of the feature models. Next, we will determine if any embedding columns were defined and create an embedding layer (optional). For each feature model, we will create the DenseFeatures input layer (excluding the features defined above) and create a separate model using the add_model function. Just before the return, we check to see if the loop is running on the skip connection model. If so, we append the input features so that the final model can train using the original features as well. Finally, this function will return a dictionary of the model inputs, a list of each feature model output layer, and a list of each of the final hidden layers (i.e. the new engineered features).
def feature_models(
emb_layers={},hidden_layers=[],batch_norm=False):model_inputs = {}
for feature in all_features:
if feature in [k for k,v in emb_layers.items()]:
model_inputs[feature] = tf.keras.Input(shape=(1,),
model_inputs[feature] = tf.keras.Input(shape=(1,),
if len(emb_layers) > 0:
emb_outputs = add_emb(emb_layers,model_inputs)
output_layers = []
eng_layers = []
for key,value in feature_layers.items():
feature_columns = [feature_column.numeric_column(f)
for f in all_features if f not in value]
feature_layer = layers.DenseFeatures(feature_columns)
feature_outputs = feature_layer({k:v for k,v in
if k not in value})
if len(emb_layers) > 0:
feature_outputs = layers.concatenate([feature_outputs,
last_layer, output_layer = add_model(
if key == output_feature + '_aux':
return model_inputs, output_layers, eng_layers
Note that if an embedding layer is used, it will be concatenated with each of these models’ inputs. That means these embeddings will not only train to maximize overall model accuracy, but will train on each of these feature models as well. This leads to very robust embeddings and is a significant upgrade to the process described in my previous article.
Before we move onto our final function, lets define each of the parameters we will feed in. Most of these have already been described above or are typical to all TensorFlow models. In case you are not familiar with the patience parameter, it is used to stop training the model when the validation accuracy hasn’t improved within the designated number of epochs.
params = {'all_features': list(X_train.columns),
'batch_norm': True,
For the final model, we will start by running the previous function to generate the inputs, outputs, and engineered features. We then concatenate each of those layers/features and feed them into the final model. Finally, we build, compile, train, and test the model.
def final_model(params,test=True):print(params['batch_norm'],params['hidden_layers'])
model_inputs, output_layers, eng_layers = feature_models(
concat_layer = layers.concatenate(eng_layers)
last_layer, output_layer = add_model(
model = tf.keras.Model(
aux_loss_wgt = 0.5 / len(params['feature_layers'])
loss_wgts = [aux_loss_wgt for i in
es = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
history = model.fit(
epochs=params['epochs'], verbose=0, callbacks=[es])
yhat = model.predict(testset)
loss = log_loss(
print('Binary Crossentropy:',loss)
if test==True:
return {'loss': loss, 'status': STATUS_OK}
return history, model
Notice that one of the inputs to this function is called test. This input allows you to switch between using hyperopt to solve for the best parameters (test=True), or train and return your final model (test=False). You also might not be familiar with the loss_weights parameter when compiling the model. Because we have several auxiliary outputs, we need to tell TensorFlow how much weight to give each one in determining how to adjust the model to improve accuracy. I personally like to give 50% weight to the auxiliary predictions (total) and 50% the the target prediction. Some might find it strange to give any weight to the auxiliary predictions since they are discarded at the loss calculation step. The problem is, if we do not give them any weight, the model will mostly ignore them, preventing it from learning useful features.
Now we just need to run final_model using the parameters we defined above:
history, model = final_model(params,test=False)
Now that we have a trained model, we can optionally extract the new features to be used in other models using the keras get_layer() function. I’ll save this step for a future article if this generates enough interest.