There comes a time in every great writer’s life, whether it’s Mark
Twain or Michael Scott, when the veil of privacy becomes inexplicably blurred. Your tweets become a beacon of traffic for pariahs and paparazzi prepped with pavlovian responses. Any information provided can and will be used against you. Particulars not provided will be received as an invitation for us, your loyal readers, to promptly gas our imaginations and drive as far away as we can with it. So, what should you, the writer, do? The only option is to fill their holes of ignorance with the cemented truth. When you find your loyal readers reaching out pleading for a more personal connection with you, it is your duty as a writer, communicator, and influencer to make sure you don’t give them shit. It’s your personal life and you have absolutely zero obligation to let someone pierce that veil of privacy if you aren’t comfortable…
Unless, you’re broke and need to find a job like me. In that case you’ll be fielding every single question that comes your way. Sometimes even questions not coming your way.
That’s why I’ve decided to do this FAQ. I want to answer some of the questions I’ve been getting from readers for two reasons. One, just like a brand, a person needs to make sure they’re connecting with those who are consuming their content. And two, it’s important for you to know who I am.
It’s important to me that you understand, behind these models, there’s a confused and frustrated developer just like you. Hours and hours of blood, sweat, but mainly just tears, have been poured into these projects. So, I want you to know that I truly appreciate you joining me on this journey and without further ado, your FAQs (barz).
I’m kidding… No one has asked me anything… Nothing at all. Come back though. There’ll be questions in the future, I just know it. Thanks for sticking around.
Oh….and Happy Holidays to all of my Data Scientist, Engineers, Programmers, and random readers.