Looking back at Microsoft’s ill-fated 2013 Xbox One reveal keynote shows a video game system that’s hardly recognizable today.
Back then, the tech giant was positioning the Xbox One as being the only device you need in your living room, a direction that Microsoft slowly strayed from since the departure of former Xbox head, Don Mattrick. Fast-forward to 2021, and it looks like the final remnant of that era of Xbox consoles is disappearing.
Microsoft has confirmed that it’s ditching the Xbox One’s TV listing feature in May. OneGuide TV listings were designed to overlay on top of your cable box in order to offer an easy way to access television subscriptions directly from the Xbox One. You could even combine this with a free Xbox USB TV tuner to access over-the-air HD channels.
“Based on customer usage and feedback, we’re constantly evolving the Xbox experience,” says Jonathan Hildebrandt, a program manager for Microsoft’s Xbox Experiences group, in a recent blog post. “To that end, beginning this May we’ll be sunsetting live TV listings for OneGuide on Xbox One.”
Though OneGuide is going away, Xbox One users will still be able to use HDMI passthrough to watch content from connected devices.
The death of OneGuide follows Microsoft ditching Kinect 2.0, the Xbox One’s picture-in-picture ‘Snap mode’ being removed and several other minor media features also being axed. Microsoft’s current Xbox Series X/S no longer includes HDMI pass-through for external video devices or the OneGuide app.
Though OneGuide was laggy, didn’t really work well and ultimately, proved to be somewhat useless, back in 2013 the prospect of the Xbox One being the source for all of your entertainment really was compelling.
The removal of OneGuide is part of a broader Xbox dashboard update.
Source: Microsoft